How to: Detox bath edition


This is how I take a detox bath. I try to do this once a week to rid my body of water weight. I usually weigh myself before and after and I usually lose about 1-1.5 pounds of water weight during the bath.

1. Use as hot of water as you can stand. The hotter the better.

2. Use 2-4 cups of baking soda and 2-4 cups of Epsom salt. 2 cups each for a conventional tub and 4 cups each for a large tub. I buy baking soda and epsom salt in bulk at Costco. I use my foot to kind of “stir” the water to make sure the baking soda and epsom salt dissolves all the way.

3. Add your favorite essential oil or herbal bath. Here I’m using a herbal bath soak by Kneipp called Valerian and hops sleep well. It was amazing and made the water a pretty blue! They have some other scents and varieties I’m very excited to try. I slept so well after using this and it made my whole bedroom smell nice.

4. Try to soak 20-40 minutes. The closer to 40 the better. You will sweat a lot. Use the time to clear your mind and/or meditate. This quiet alone time will do wonders for your overall mood. We all need some alone time! Keep kids and/or significant others of out the room during your alone time. And if your house is like mine, keep your dogs and cats out as well. 😉

5. Be careful when stepping out of the tub! You might feel light-headed and the tub bottom may be slightly slippery from all the stuff you put it in.

6. Drink at least 1 glass of water after to re-hydrate. I feel thirsty afterwards and that cold water is so satisfying!

7. I like to take mine near bed time because it’s so nice to go to sleep right after.