My first BzzAgent Campaign


If you haven’t heard of BzzAgent, it’s essentially a “word of mouth” website that uses regular people to test out products. Then those people or “Agents” “Bzz” aka gossip or talk about said products, and it’s a great way for companies to get exposure and market towards their targeted audience. They have what they call campaigns where they choose people based on answers to surveys and send them product to test. It says in the site’s FAQs that it may be months before you are invited to a campaign, but I must be lucky because I got my first Campaign invite in less than 1 week! So I’m stoked. It’s for a new permanent hair dye system by Garnier called Olia.Image

I am going to be completely honest. I got so excited about the invite I accepted it without really looking at what it was. I usually get my hair done at the salon every 6 weeks on the dot. So I’m a little nervous. I have A LOT of hair and I haven’t had any luck with at home dying kits in the past. But, I did some thinking and I am going to try it. You Only Live Once, right?ImageImage

I will probably choose a shade similar to my hair color now so it won’t be a huge difference. We’ll see. I’m terrified, but we’ll see. Wish me luck. I will definitely do a follow up post with before and after pics. If you’re interested here is their website. http://www.bzzagent.comĀ